Wednesday, January 7, 2009

and i'm still alive

yes. i am still here. still living. still breathing. living another day. yes indeed.

i am still here and about 150 are dead. and that is the way of the world isnt it? thats what it has come down to. in order to protect ourselves we have to endanger the lives of others.

fight the battle so that your own people can live.

its sad... obviously its sad. if it wasnt sad i wouldnt be writing this now would i?

its sad. i dont know what else to say. im sitting here with my shorts on, my phone beside me, my laptop in the bag... comfortable. to think that there are people who dont have that, any of it. screw the accessories, they're dead now.

dead. death. killed. murdered. casualties. reduced to statistics. 150 more added to the few hundred that died in 2008. how many will die in 2009? more? less? how much more outraged will we be if more people die? how much less outraged will we be in less die?

think about that. will you think its fine at the end of 2009 if less people end up dead than in 2008? would you compare the numbers.

"oh 2009 wasn't SO bad. not as many people died yknow... it was a good year"

statistics. we all pretend we dont do it, but in the end thats what it comes down to. we cant help it. its human nature. we compare and contrast. and even though we might not say it aloud, we think it. this year was bad because _____ number of people died.

so just because 2007 had less casualties does that make it a good year? you know what i mean?

its a rhetorical question people. dont answer it. everyone will say no. i know that. you know that. the point is to make you think.

what is the value of life? does that value disappear once you die? it seems like it.

and if you have no idea what im talking about, shame on you. im being serious. get informed.

do some research. theres alot more to it. and god help you if you think this is right.

- December 27, 2008